Yeah, it's kind of time. I have to admit it. It's time to wrap things up.
SimpleDiagrams is no more.
A lot of people have used SimpleD over the years. Dare I say some even found it nice. But the time has come to move on to new things.
It's OK! It's ok. I'm not bitter. No no. Not bitter at all. It was all good fun to make.
And if I learned one thing, it's that customer service is the best part of the whole deal. For realz, I'm not kidding here. I met so many really nice people. People who took the time to reach out, introduce themselves, share some thoughts and offer suggestions. I really didn't expect that when I started the app when I was living in Santa Cruz wayyy back....when was it, probably 2010? Well, at any rate, I totally didn't expect the number of really cool people I'd meet via email along the way. Thanks everybody. I hope my small app helped you make complex things clear, with a gloss of lightness and humor.
But it's all probably run its course. What's with all those hand-drawn icons I made? So unprofessional.
Maybe I'll open source the code someday. Maybe I'll feed it into AI and form some kind of twisted overlord that rules all of humanity with remarkably efficient workflow diagrams. Most likely I'll have eggs and toast for breakfast tomorrow and forget about the whole thing by noon.
So, there you have it. No more. All done. Go home.
For those of you who bought it, you can still download it from the download page.
For those of you who didn't, my god you missed something special.
- Daniel
Sept 5, 2022